Bookmark this site for easy return. Essential Oils ESSENTIAL OILS
....Nature's giftsThe plant kingdom gives its gifts to humans willingly. It understands that in addition to directly affecting the individuals using the essences, use of high vibration products such as these also affects everyone they come into contact with through the law of resonance.
Organic Essential Oils are the life-giving healing resin derived from plant life that delivers oxygen and nutrients and protects the plant. The ancient Egyptians were the first to discover that organic high frequency essential oils posessed valuable substances that produce many benefits for the body, mind and spirit.
WEBMASTER NOTE: I have looked a long time before finding these wonderful oils. They are the highest quality, steam distilled, therapeutic grade (mostly organic) oils. You will be very pleased with the prices!
As you begin to use them, you are certain to discover why essential oils were so revered by the ancient world and by the native peoples.
Pure organic essential oils are highly concentrated,
so begin slowly and listen to your body.
PICK #1:
Move to Mountain Rose Essential Oils ProductsManuka Oils - Manuka Oil Treats Skin Irritation and
Problems, Athlete Foot, Fungal Infection, Dandruff and More
Have a special problem? This will help!
Your Privacy - Your products are delivered discreetly, only the return address of "Healing Natural Oils" will appear on your package. They will never give, lease or sell your personal information. Your privacy is secure!NOTE: I do not recommend use of aromatherapy as a substitute for medical care and we make no therapeutic claims. I simply suggest traditional uses based on the wisdom of those who lived in harmony with nature.
Loretta Rogers